Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Portrait of a Photographer

I had lunch with Raji Barbir, another photographer and filmmaker. I appreciate him letting me pick his brain and we had a good time. This is Raji. Check out his website at www.tinycomet.com.
I shot this in Vignette but then toned the black and white in PicSayPro.


  1. bahahaha!! I read your facebook status announcing that you posted pictures of car washes, spinning children and... Raji?!

    I didn't realize how much the light was eating my skull. You shoulda told me! I am now missing all of my motor skills...

    Which makes this response all the more impressive :)

  2. Yeah, phones don't do too well with the backlight, do they? You can now die a happy man, you've been an official part of The Great Android One-a-Day Project!



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