Monday, August 2, 2010

The Epidural

Yes, my wife was smiling while the epidural went in. Who wouldn't? Something that was so painful just a short couple of decades ago is now a fairly pleasant experience.
I haven't talked much about Lori on the blog so far...and I'm sure she's perfectly comfortable with that. She's always been content to sit in the background despite a dynamic, fun personality and above average social skills. ;) It would be so easy to just take my image of her every day and call it good but that wouldn't push me much, now would it?
Lori is amazingly, bafflingly positive and supportive. She is intelligent and sensitive beyond the scope of mere human ability. I love her so much. She is an incredible mother. She has the ability to boil down a complex situation into child-sized pieces so Hannah understands and can make the right choice. I an constantly humbled by her innate parenting skills. I am honored that she is the mother of my children and my love...and she's very patient to allow me to take pictures at times like this. I love you, babe.


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