Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Flemish Landscape

Flemish Landscape

I think the title needs some explanation.
One of my favorite movies ever is Mystery Science Theater 3000, the theatrical release. It's the one where they mock the film "This Island Earth". Hilarious. There's a line where the film shows a scene and the character says "Look, they flew into a Flemish painting!". It's not one of the more humorous lines and frankly, I'm not sure what a Flemish painting really looks like. I'm sure there's some style or feature that defines it--I just don't know what it is. When I processed this image in PicSayPro and applied a slight cross-process, that line came into my head.

Photographically I basically broke the rule of thirds into little tiny shattered pieces but I don't care. I like it this way.


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