Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Little S.A.D.

A Little SADt
The only way Seasonal Affective Disorder could be more appropriately named would be if the acronym came out to ANNOYED. I'm sure it's not masculine to admit it but every year about this time I start to feel SAD. It actually isn't sadness, it's more like annoyance at myself and the world. I love having time to work on personal projects (I'm going through all my fine art images from Europe) but somewhere in the back of my mind I have this nagging feeling that every last bit of my work sucks. It's horrible for the self-esteem. I wonder why anyone ever books me and I'm 100% sure that no one will ever hire me again. But eventually work comes in and things get going and I forget that I ever thought all my work sucked. It's good because it pushes me each year to do better and better work, but wow, it's tough on the ego. That's what I was trying to capture in today's image.
Did it work?

1 comment:

  1. :( I did a post so similar to this about the January blues that I have every year. You are amazing and this too shall pass!



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