Tuesday, August 3, 2010

OLIVIA ERIN WOODBURY, Welcome to the World! - { Newborn Baby }

This is why we take pictures. All the technical aspects aside, this photo is priceless. This is my new baby girl, Olivia Erin Woodbury, born August 2 at 8:04 PM. I am tearing up just thinking about it. I look at her little face and imagine all the little details the future holds. There will be about 5000 diapers and who knows how many hours of crying or how many sleepless nights but that one time she runs up to you and gives your kneecaps a spontaneous hug and says, "I love you, Daddy" none of that matters. I honestly feel bad for those who have made the choice to not have any children. Sure, they have every right to do so but they have no idea what they are missing. They will never know just how much they can love something. They will never know how frustrated they can get. They will never know true unconditional love. My first daughter changed my life and I am so excited to meet Olivia and get to know her. I love her already.

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